Given seven wells (Data from A. Nolting et al.) with interpreted lithofacies and a satellite image providing the reef outline, we model a sequence of carbonate deposition, building reefs, shoals, and dunes to protect a lagoon locally given the primary direction of the waves. We model the erosion to compute the zones affected by the dissolution when the reef is exposed by decreasing sea level.

We model a sea-floor fan from 15 wells (Data from E. Kvale et al.) in a carbonate-siliclastic turbidite environment. The picture above shows that the well's lithofacies data is matched at each location while generating a realistic fan geometry at every deposition step. The generated granulometry trend in the volume provides valuable information to interpolate rock properties information.

Given three wells (Data from I.D. Bryant et al.) with interpreted lithofacies and a seismic image providing the boundaries of shoreface deposits, we model a sequence of river lagoon and shoreface deposits, creating an island barrier between them to protect the lagoon from the waves. The tide influences the orientation of the terminal distributary channels and associated deposits in the lagoon.

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The 3D view shows the reservoir grid modeled inside the 3D model fitting the 11 wells (Data from I. Dawuda). As the cross-section shows, the wells are primarily interpreted to be inside the point bars.

The granulometry shown for each grid cell follows the river profile and can be used as trend information to interpolate the well's derived porosity and permeability values. 

4) ​​​​Delaware Basin WolfCamp A Turbidite

3) ​​​​Campos Basin Turbidite

The model fits a tightly spaced set of pseudo wells interpreted along the outcrop, including a local erosion and a very heterogeneous deposition profile across the different wells. As shown in the figure above, thin shale layers are preserved. (Outcrop data from S. Rohais et al.).

5) ​​​​Modeling Meandering Channels With Seismic Control 

6) ​​​​Wave Dominated shoreface and river lagoon deposits 


We have digitized geologic and seismic interpretation data using published regional or outcrop studies and constructed geological and reservoir models in various deposition environments (Turbidite, Meandering Rivers, Carbonate Reef, Wave Dominated Delta).

In this example, we incorporate seismic data to refine the geological model. From the seismic interpretation  (from C. Bruhn), we add two listric faults and one channel belt into the turbiditic deposition environment. The two listric faults rotate the fault block, creating a mini-deposition basin. The channel belt information constrains the location of the main river. This example shows how our process-based modeling method can use seismic and geological interpretation to build constrained, realistic models. The right images also show the granulometry trends computed from the deposition process. This trend can be used as secondary data in interpolating petrophysical properties.

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1) ​​​Turbidite Lobe

6) ​​​​Modeling Carbonate Reefs and Lagoon Deposits 

2) ​​​​Meandering river from Cranfield data 

Given two seismic slices (Data from V. Koala et al.) where the same migrating channel is interpreted, we create the intermediate channel geometries (including the point bars). We also create the reservoir grid shown in the picture. In function of the river migration and deposition rates, we can stochastically generate many models whose connectivity will vary greatly, providing an extensive range of uncertainty on the connected volumes.

The 3D reservoir grid is built inside the 3D model shown above. We see how the thin shale layer is preserved as part of the grid geometry or topology.



​Because Geology Matters